Auto Clock out
With the automatic clock-out feature, you can ensure that employees who forget to clock out are automatically logged out by the system. This feature is particularly useful for companies concerned about accuracy in timesheets and reducing administrative workload. Employees who frequently ignore or forget to clock out can create discrepancies in timesheet records:
1. Inaccurate Time Tracking: If an employee forgets to clock out and proceeds to clock in for a new shift on the next day, it can result in inaccurate time records for the previous shift as the employee will first need to clock out from his previous shift.
2. Manual Adjustments: Back office administrators are then burdened with the task of manually contacting employees to determine their actual finish time and manually adjusting their clock-out time.
Options for the Auto Clock Out.
1. Set the clock-out time to be same as the shift end time.
Use this option if you you are rostering your employees and your employees usually clock in and out again their rostered shifts.
Enable this option and then select the rounding method to be
"Round to Scheduled Shifts". See more detail about rounding methods
2. Set the clock-out time to be same as the site finish time.
Utilize this feature when your employees do not follow a fixed roster and instead perform their daily tasks at the job site within a specific time frame, such as from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We provide users with the flexibility to define the
operating hours for their sites. You can specify the operating hours for each day of the week. This feature enables the system to automatically clock out employees who may have forgotten to do so manually. The system will automatically set the clock out time to match the defined operating hours for the site and the specific day, ensuring accurate tracking of employee attendance.
* Enable this option and then select the rounding method to be
"Round to site operating / coverage hours". See more detail about rounding methods
3. Set the clock-out to a specific time of the day.
This option is helpful if your employee’s works on set time every day regardless of the job site they work at, for example from 9:00AM to 5:00PM.