Configure Managers & Supervisors Access to Manage Specific Sites and Teams
ClickTime software offers medium and large organizations the ability to manage teams across different areas or states efficiently. This help article guides you through setting up and configuring the system for managers and supervisors, allowing them to only access and manage specific sites and teams.
If you have a large or medium organization with multiple managers, supervisors, and staff spread across different areas or states, ClickTime can help you run your business efficiently.
The system allows you to assign each manager or supervisor a specific set of sites and teams to manage.
For example, if your company operates in multiple states or different sites within the same state, and your workforce is spread across these regions, you can segregate the management of these sites and employees by assigning specific areas to different managers or supervisors.
1. You have created and defined your sites
2. You have created and defined your teams workgroups
So how to set this up?
1. Add Managers and Supervisors
- Navigate to the “Users & Permission” screen and add a new record to define
the supervisor or managers.
- Enter the details such as first name and last name
- Select the predefined “Role/Security Profile” you want to assign. This profile
determines the access the user will have to each system component. NOTE: You can assign multiple users to the same role/security profile and make
changes to the profile's access anytime, which will affect all assigned users.
- Set the user type as “internal company user”
- Save your changes.
Click Here for more in depth details for adding new users and how permissions work on ClickTime
2. Assign Sites to Managers and Supervisors
- Go to the “Assigned Sites/Teams” tab
- Untick the “Allow User to View & Work With All Sites” option.
- The screen will display two panels: the left panel lists all sites within your
organization, and the right panel is where you assign sites to your manager or
- Drag the sites from the left panel to the right panel to assign them to the
supervisor or manager.
3. Assign Teams to Managers and Supervisors
- On the “Assigned Sites/Teams” tab, switch to the “Assigned Teams” tab.
- Click on the input box and select the team or teams that the manager or
supervisor will manage.
- If you want the supervisor to manage all employees, select “all staff”.
How Assigned Sites and Teams Affect Your Operations
After assigning specific sites and teams, supervisors and managers will only see information relevant to their assigned areas. Here are some examples:
- Supervisors can only view and manage the
scheduled shifts for the sites and employees they have access to.
- When creating a shift, supervisors will
only see employees and sites they are assigned to.
Time Attendance Screen: Similar
to the scheduler, supervisors can only manage the time attendance of employees
and sites they are assigned to.
Reports: Supervisors
can only view reports for the sites and employees they manage.
Incident Reports: Supervisors
can only see incidents reported for the sites they manage.
Daily Activity Reports: Supervisors
can only view daily activity reports for the sites they have access to.
Contractors Management
ClickTime handles contractors similarly to
internal supervisors and managers. Contractors can be assigned specific sites
but cannot manage different teams. Instead, they can only manage and access the
list of employees working for them.
Click Here to read more details about contractors management
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