Setup and configure your departments and teams

Setup and configure your departments and teams

Understanding Departments and Teams in ClickTime

What are Departments and Teams?

ClickTime lets you organize your employees into groups using terms that best suit your company. You can choose to call these groups "departments," "teams," "workgroups," or anything else that fits your needs. This customization is done through Settings > App Settings > Customer Terms.

Benefits of Using Departments and Teams:

  • Organization: Group employees based on function, location, project, or any other relevant criteria.
  • Enhanced Management: Assign managers or supervisors to oversee specific teams, allowing for decentralized management, especially in large organizations with multiple offices.
  • Improved Reporting: Generate timesheet reports for specific departments or teams to gain insights into their work patterns and productivity.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Easily filter your employee view to see specific teams and assign employees to appropriate groups.

Example Departments/Teams:

  • Cleaners
  • Drivers
  • Security Guards
  • Traffic Controllers
  • Trolley Collectors

Assigning Employees and Managers:

Once you create your departments or teams, you can assign your employees to their particular teams. You can then assign managers or supervisors to oversee specific teams. These managers can have varying levels of access:

  • Manage all teams: Supervisors responsible for overall operations.
  • Manage and view their own teams only: Ideal for geographically distributed organizations where managers need to focus on their local teams.

Filtering and Reporting:

By utilizing departments and teams, you can:

  • Filter your employee list to see only members of specific teams.
  • Generate timesheet reports for specific departments or teams to analyze their performance.

Adding a New Team, Department, or Workgroup


  1. Navigate to Settings. From the main menu, go to  Settings > Setup Table.
  2. Find the Team Management tab. On the left hand side , look for a tab names  Teams or department/workgroup management.
  3. Add a New Team/Department/Workgroup. Look for a button labeled "+ Add New". Click on this button to begin adding your new group.
  4. Enter Team Details. In the pop-up window or dedicated page, enter the following information:
    • Team Name: Provide a clear and descriptive name for the new team/department/workgroup.
    • Cost Center (Optional): If the team has a cost center associated with it, enter the code or name here. You can skip this section if it's not applicable.
    • Supervisor: Choose the supervisor you want to assign to manage this team. Select from a dropdown menu or search for the specific supervisor.
  5. Save Your Changes. Once you've entered all the details, click on a button like "Save", "Create Team", or "Submit" to finalize adding the new group.

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