How to setup & configure data that will be entered by employees on the ClickTime APP

How to setup & configure data that will be entered by employees on the ClickTime APP

Go to Setting → App Setting → Time Attendance Setting → Required Fields

Required Fields Tab
This is where you define what information will be collected by the employees when they clock in & out.

Field Name
Site/Job Selection Required
This is always ON by default and can’t be changed
Employees are always working on sites or jobs/project, so site or job is always required by default

Clocking against scheduled shifts
If your employees are clocking against scheduled shifts, employees will see
their scheduled shifts and will be able to clock against the scheduled shifts

Clocking against jobs/projects
If your employees are clocking against none scheduled shifts, employees
will have to select the job/project they want to clock in against from a list of
jobs & projects.
Click here for more details about jobs & projects
Task & Activities is required
If you set this to ON, the employees will be asked to select an activity/task
when they clocks in for their shifts or assigned job.

Make you have already defined tasks & activities, so user can selects the
proper task, otherwise, if no tasks have been defined, the clocking process
will not succeed.

Select how tasks & activities will
be filtered and displayed to employees

If the task/activity is required, you have two options that will determine
how the tasks & activities will be filtered and displayed to the employee
on the APP:

1- No filter. Display all defined tasks & activities
2- Filter by site or job. All tasks associated with the site or the job will
be displayed

Allow break time
Determine if you want to allow break time deduction from the time
attendance records
Break Time Capturing method
If you set Allow break time to ON, the system will allow you to select how
break time will be collected and calculated. There is two options to
select from:

A. Employee enters break time through the ClickTime™ APP.
The employee
will be able to enter the break time duration after he clocks in or before
he clocks out from the shift, so break time is depended on the employee.

B. Automatically deduct break time from attendance record as
set & defined for each site.
If you select this option and once employees clocks out from
their shifts & jobs, he system will automatically deducts
the break time from the submitted time record based on
break time rule defined for the site or the job/project.

Employee photo capture is required

If set to ON, the ClickTime™ APP will requires that a photo be taken whenever the employees clocks in & out.
Allow employee to add notes to
clocking records

If This is set to ON, the employees will be able to add notes when they clock in & out for their shifts & jobs.

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