Go to: Setting > Payroll Setting > Pay Cycle Click on the button +Add New Fill up the Pay Cycle details it might a good practice to name your pay cycle based on your pay frequency (Weekly, Fortnightly or monthly)
Head back to Setting > Payroll > Pay Cycle to delete a pay cycle. Tip the delete button will only appear for pay cycles with no employees assigned, and no timesheets are using this pay period.
All changes made to employee payroll settings are affected by the pay cycle. If you are changing employee employment contracts, base rate, pay template, pay cycle, overtime template or weekly ordinary hours, you will need to decide if those changes should go into effect from the current pay cycle forwards, or from the next pay cycle forwards. No changes can be made to these details for a previous pay cycle.
Pay cycles are fixed and cannot be
changed. New pay cycles can be created and employees can be moved to a
new pay cycle. To move a staff member to a new pay cycle, wait until the
current pay cycle has been finalised. (Do not move them until the first day of the new pay cycle.)
Moving employees' mid pay cycle will
add them to the new one, but they will no longer be part of the old pay
cycle, meaning they will not appear in reporting for that period and
will not get paid.
There are certain changes that will affect employee pay such as employee base
rate, work schedule, pay template, weekly ordinary hours, overtime template and pay cycle. These items can be changed from the current pay cycle forwards or the next pay cycle
Handling Hours Worked on the Last Day of the Pay Cycle
ClickTime have a specific approach to handling hours worked by employees whose shifts span from the last day of the pay cycle into the next pay cycle. Here’s how it works: