Trouble Shooting GPS and geofencing | WorkTimeManager

Mobile GPS Troubleshooting

Mobile GPS Troubleshooting
GPS is pulled from a combination of satellites, WiFi, and mobile data. There are many factors that cannot be controlled and affects the GPS (i.e., the device’s technical capabilities, weather conditions, surrounding high rise building, atmosphere, etc.) and can make it difficult for a GPS point to be captured, or determine why a point may not be captured. Use this guide to help understand and troubleshoot possible GPS issues:
Check for the following on the mobile device if points are not pulling:
The device should have a clear view of the sky. The following  can hinder low
        strength signal
            -inside a building or shopping center
            -Heavy rain,
            -surrounded by various concrete building, and obstacles,
            -high rise buildings,

The device should have power (if the battery died or the phone is powered off,
        location tracking stops).

The device should not be in power saving mode.

The device should be a normal temperature (as with any piece of technology,
         overheating or freezing can  affect functionality).

The app should be open in the background (do not force close the app).

If the user restarts his mobile, the user should sign in to the app again.

Poor internet & GPS signals 
All employees need to make sure to have a good internet connection AND a good GPS signal when they clock-in & out.
If they work inside shopping malls or inside buildings or in the city where there are lots of high rise building, please
Make sure of the following:
A. To increase the size of the geofencing areas for such sites,  this will allow the employees to sign on & off from outside the buildings where there is good internet & GPS signals
B. Notify all employees who works on such sites, to always sign in & out from outside the buildings and not from the inside of the buildings.

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