How to Set Up Recurring Tasks

How to Set Up Recurring Tasks

Recurring Tasks

ClickTime enables companies and organizations to create recurring tasks that can be assigned to specific sites and shifts.

When you create a recurring task, ClickTime will open a new dialog or window where you can specify the criteria for the recurrence.

Specification & Criteria

  • Specify the Site: Determine the site where the recurring task will be applied.

  • For Shifts After: Specify the time after which the recurring task will apply to shifts (e.g., tasks for early morning shifts or tasks for shifts starting after 6:00 PM).

  • End Date: Set an end date for the task, or leave it as "never" with no end date.

  • Repeat Frequency: Choose how often the tasks should repeat (e.g., every day or on specific days of the week).

  • Add New Group: Segregate your tasks into different groups, each with its own set of tasks or sub-tasks. For example, you can create a group named "Main Lobby" and add all the sub-tasks to be performed in the main lobby. Then, create another group named "First Floor" and add all the tasks related to the first floor under it.


How Employees Will See These Tasks on the Mobile App

Employees cannot complete the tasks until they clock in for their shifts. After clocking in, they can track and specify the tasks they have completed.

Option #1 From Shift Details Page

  1. After clocking in, the employee can click on the clocked-in shift, which will take them to the shift details page.
  2. Click on the Tasks tab.
  3. Click on the task card.
  4. Tick the tasks that have been completed, then click on the Complete Tasks button to save and submit.

Option #2 From main Menu My Tasks Page

  1. After clocking in, the employee can click on the My Tasks icon on the main menu.
  2. Click on Shift Tasks.
  3. Click on the current shift card that has the tasks to be completed.
  4. Tick the tasks that have been completed, then click on the Complete Tasks button to save and submit

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