Approving Timesheets | WorkTimeManager Help Center
How to approve, reject, void and lock timesheet & attendance Records
1. Timesheet admin officer needs to be authorized and have the authority to maintain timesheet and time attendance records.
2. Timesheet admin officer needs to be assigned or given authority to the site(s) that he will be managing the timesheets for.
Time Attendance is a centralized view of your employee's rostered shift times, clocked times, approved, rejected, and voided times.
At the end of each day or week, managers will approve the hours worked by employees. On this screen, you can:
A. Seach & filter for all-time attendance records. You can search all-time records for a particular period, client, site, and employee
B. Add manual timesheets record for your employees
C. Edit the clocked times
D. Match the clocked times to the roster time.
D. Approve, reject void, and Lock timesheet records.
This timesheet data once approved will then flow through to pay for payroll processing.
Approvals workflow
1. User and employee submit their time by the ClickTime APP.
2. The system tags the time record as PENDING.
3. If the record is approved by the office admin or automatically approved by the system, it is marked as APPROVED.
How to Approve, Reject, Void, and Lock time attendance Records
1. Search. On the TimeCard page, search for the record(s) by using the left panel filters
2. Click on the desired employee name to display all the time records
for the selected employee
4. Right mouse or click on the blue down arrow next to any of the selected records you
want to change it's status. Select Manage>Approve, Reject, Void or Lock
How can I revoke an approval that was made incorrectly?
If you approved a timesheet record by mistake, you can mark the time record as PENDING, until further information is gathered and afterwards you can either approve, reject or void the time record
You can go through the below video that will explain all major & important facts about how to use & manage your employee's timesheet records.
Time Record Status When employee clock-in and out, the time record is will automatically have a PENDING status. Timesheet admin with the proper authority to manage time attendance can APPROVE, REJECT, LOCK, UNLOCK and VOID the time records VIDEO ...
Considerations 1. Timesheet admin officer needs to be authorized and have the authority to maintain timesheet and time attendance records. 2. Timesheet admin officer needs to be assigned or given authority to the site(s) that he will be managing the ...
I have scheduled my employees on the scheduler, but when I go to the time attendance screen, I am unable to see the employee's records on the time attendance screen? Answer Please make sure of the following: Make sure the employee shifts are ...
Overview If you use Time Attendance to track employee time, you can review your employee's timesheets to monitor employees’ hours and make any needed adjustments. If you notice a discrepancy in a timesheet, you can edit the timesheet to make ...
In case your employee accidentally clocks out from his shift, there are three solutions to fix this scenario as follows: 1. Employee Can Clock-In against Adhoc Shift Your employee can clock-in again against Adhoc shift. This way, he will have two ...