Shift Confirmation - how does it work?

Shift Confirmation - how does it work?

Admins can learn how to ask employees to confirm schedules

Shift confirmation is a feature that provides an automatic function to ensure that your employees have seen their new shifts and will be there to work them. No more manual messages or worrying that they haven't seen the new schedule. When assigning unconfirmed (tentative) shifts to your staff you can have them confirm or decline the shifts. 

When you publish a shift with confirmation required, the team member assigned to the shift will be sent an email, push notification and optionally an SMS and must either accept or decline the shift via the ClickTime mobile app.

  1. when your staff accept the shift, the rostered shift will automatically be confirmed and turned into the confirmed shift colour as set and configured on the roster setting.
  2. when the staff declines a shift, the shift will remain tentative and will be tagged as declined with a thump down icon.
  3. Supervisors and managers managing the staff will also receive an email, push notifications or SMS that staff has declined a shift.

Tutorial video on how it works 


Read on to see how admins can set it up and how employees will see their notifications.

Turn the relevant settings ON

To start using this function you will firstly need to go the Settings -> App Settings -> Roster Setting and turn ON the following 'Shift Confirmation'

Alerts & notification

if you would like to receive alerts & notifications when staff members decline a shift, then go to Alerts Tab and tick the required  notifications that you would like to receive

Decline Shift

  1. If an employee declines a shift, it will remain assigned to them until the manager or supervisor re-assigns the shift to some other employee. 
  2. Admin and supervisor will still see the shift as a tentative shift and the shift will have a thumb down icon to indicate the shift was declined.
  1. Managers can then go to the schedule and decide what to do with the shift (such as reassign, edit, remove, minor adjustments, etc).
  2. Admin and supervisors can always know all declined shifts by accessing the dashboard or their Admin mobile dashboard.
Schedule & Shifts Dashboard

Shifts waiting for confirmation

You can either wait for the employee to confirm it or you can confirm it yourself (for example if the employee wishes to accept & confirm the shift but doesn't have access to a computer or mobile app at the moment) by right-clicking on the shift and choosing 'Confirm'. The shift will then turn into a normal CONFIRM colour.

Accepted & Declined shifts

It's also important to note that an employee's response to a new shift cannot be changed once accepted or declined.

Once a shift is confirmed or declined by the staff, this becomes finalized.  

  • If an employee declines a shift, then they decide if they can work it, a manager or admin have the following options: 

    • Edit and republish the shift or (unpublish and publish) the shift,  so the employee can accept the shift again from his mobile app.

    • On the web scheduler, the supervisor can confirm the shift where the employee will see the shift confirmed on their mobile app.

  • If an employee accepts and confirms a shift, then the shift will automatically be displayed as confirmed on the web scheduler. If the employee decides they can't work it, they will have to contact their company, where the supervisor can confirm the shift again.


How does it work for employees?

When you send a shift request for people they will be notified by a push notification on the app, email or SMS  
Next, if the employee opens the app and navigates to the Schedule,  they will be able to see the shift request and accept or reject these shifts.

Accept & Decline Shifts


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