You can edit the shift details by any of the below two methods:
1. Hover over the shift with your mouse and the system will display a red bar on top of the shift and gives you the option to:
A. Copy the shift
B. Edit the shift
C. Add new shift
D. Move the shift
Click on edit and the system will open a window that will allow you to edit, change and save
your changes.
2. Double Click. You can double click on the shift to edit the shift
Why I can't change and edit the shift
Shift Details Are Disabled and Can Not be Changed A. Employee has clocked into the shift. if the employee has clocked into the shift, you will not be able
to change the assigned employee or the site.
B. Depending on the system setting that is set and configured by your system administrator, you might
be able to edit certain data within the clocked shift.
1. If the system admin allows for editing of clocked shifts, then you will be able to change the start
time, end time, break time, shift type, task, and job reference number.
2. if the system admin does not allow editing of the clocked shifts, then you will not be able to change
any shift data. All fields in the dit shift window will be disabled.