Custom Pay Templates Based on Work Site

Custom Pay Templates Based on Work Site

Customizing Pay Templates for Each Employee

ClickTime allows you to build a master Pay Template and assign it to all or a group of employees. Later, if your organization decides to pay one or more employees differently based on the site they work on, our system allows for easy customization. You can individually adjust and customize the assigned Pay Template for each employee, assigning different rates for different sites.

Managing Custom Pay Templates
Please note that once a Pay Template is customized for an employee, the assigned template will be renamed as a "Custom Template" and will no longer be attached to the main or master template. This means that any changes made to the master template will not be reflected in the customized employee template. Custom templates provide individualized pay structures for your employees.

Create Custom Pay template
Creating a custom pay template for your employees involves a straightforward process. Start by establishing a master pay template, then assign your employees to this master template. Subsequently, navigate to the employee screen, where you can individually customize the pay template for each employee.

Employee Custom Template Rules
After you have customized a pay template for an employee, you might need to change some of the main rules of the pay template.
Please now the following rules & restriction when you want to do so:
1. Editing Main Rules.
When the user edit the main rules of the custom template of the employees , and you save the changes, then, the changes will be applied to all to all sites except the already customized sites within the template.

For instance if you have the main rules as:
Mon to Fri 0.00 to 06.00  Pay at Flat Rate of $60.00 and Export Category as "Night Span" and you have an already had customized the "Sydney Airport site" to have little different rules from the above main rule, say the pay rate is $65.00 . if you do any changes to the above main rule and save, the rule will be applied to all sites except site  "Sydney Airport", because the site has its own custom rule.

2. Adding New Rule's.
If at any stage, you decided to add a new rule to the main rule of the employee custom pay template, then the system will add the new rule to all sites including the site that is already been customized

4. Delete of the main rules.
When initially customizing an employee's pay template for the very first time time, by clicking on "Customize Template," the system will allow you to delete some of the main rules if needed. However, after saving and when the employee is assigned to a custom pay template, you won't be able to delete any rule from the main rule. This restriction is in place to facilitate payroll tracking for previous paid periods

5. Modifying the site rules.
You can change the rules for any site, there is no restriction to changes.

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