This guide will walk you through setting up ClickTime for managing your staff's roster & attendance. This guide for companies such as Security, Cleaning, Trolley Collection, Medical Clinics, Call Centers, Fitness Clubs, Health Care, Medical Centers, Sports Club, Supermarkets, Swimming Schools, Pharmacies, Education, Aged Care & much more
Here's what you'll need to do:
1.Add your customers
Click Herfor more information on how to add and create your customers
2.Add your sites
you may have multiple locations your team works from, perhaps across different time zones. Be sure to set up each Location setting with the correct address.
Click Her for more information on how to add and create your sites
3.Add your employees
After you create your first locations and customer you will need to add your team members on the employee page
Click Her for more information on how to add your employees to the system
4. Set and configure your roster
Before diving into creating your first schedule, take a moment to complete the roster settings
and customization options. This crucial step is like building the foundation of your scheduling
system. Click Herto see how to set roster preferences.
5.Enable Ad-hoc Clocking (Optional)
Depending on your business needs and requirements, you can enable or disable this feature for your organization.
Auto Clock out is a feature that will automatically clock out employees if they have forgotten to do so themselves at the end of their shifts. Since your staff are rostered for their shifts, there are two options for you that will best fit the rostered & scheduled employees.
If you haven't configured an auto clock-out method, and your staff forgets to clock out, it can result in inaccurate timesheets. The system will continue to show the employee as clocked in to their job. The following day, the employee won't be able to clock in to their next job until they've clocked out from their previous one. This can lead to inaccuracies in the timesheet.
Auto Clock-Out setting for shift based companies
This is the best option for your organization to handle both the scheduled and the none scheduled or Adhoc shifts. Go ahead and enabled and take advantage of the fully rich features.
Scheduled Shift. This option will allow the system to automatically clock any employee who forget to clock out from their scheduled shifts, where the system will put the shift end time as their assigned and scheduled shift end time.
Overtime Consideration. If your employees sometimes work overtime, it is recommended to increase the number of hours the system waits before enforcing the auto clock-out. This allows employees to complete their overtime hours and then clock out manually.
Adhoc Shifts.
You can now specify how long an Adhoc shift should last, and the system will automatically clock out the employee after that specified duration. This will ensure that employees who clocked against an Adhoc shift will not exceed specific number of hours for their shifts.
The default duration for Adho shifts is set to 10 hours as a default value. This setting is already configured for all companies currently using the "Set clock-out time to scheduled shift end time" feature.
Companies using this option will need to adjust this default value to suit their needs. You also have the option to prevent employees from clocking in for Adhoc shifts. You can do this for each individual employee or for all your employees
1. Go to Setting > App Setting > Time Attendance Setting > Rounding & Auto Clock Out
2. Turn On the Auto Clock Out
3. Tick turn ON the option "Auto Clock-Out Settings for Shift Based Companies"
7. Configure Rounding
The system offers three rounding options as follows:
Round the clocked time to the scheduled time
Round the clocked time to the site operating hours
Standard rounding
Our recommendation for shift based companies to use te first option which is
(Round the clocked time to the scheduled time).
Click hereto read more and see how this great feature will help you and reduce your back office
reconciliation time greatly.
8. Setup Configure Break time deductions (Optional)
The automatic break time rule can be used to automatically deduct break time from an employee's timesheet
ClickTime supports different methods and ways on how to automatically deduct break time from the employee timesheet.
To access the break time deduction, go to Setting > App Setting > Time attendance > Mobile App Tab
Check this help articlethat explains the different options you have and can select the one appropriate for your business.
9. Other Settings on Mobile App Tab
Tick and select if you want to capture the your employees photos when clock in and out from their shifts.
10. Digital Signature
There are two ways you can benefit from the eSignature capabilities of ClickTime.
Employee Signature
Clicktime can be enabled to capture your employees digital signature each time they clock in & out from their shifts.
Client & Supervisor approval signature.
If you provide a service to other clients and need to collect the client or site supervisor for your employees shifts, then ClickTime can help you with this. Just enable this option, and you staff have two options on how they can collect the client or site manager approval signature.
A.At the end of each shift, the staff can hand in their mobile to their client / supervisor, where the client/ supervisor can add their names and digital signature for the shift.
B.At end of the week, the staff member can hand their mobile to the client or site manager where they can add their approval and digital signature for the all the shifts and the whole week.
tick and select the option you would like to enable from the two options.
Click Hereto see the video of how customer/ supervisor signature works on the mobile app.
11. Setup & Configure GPS & GeoFencing
When you turn ON the Capture employee GPS when clocking, this will capture the employee GPS location when they clock-in and out from their shifts. You will be able to see this information on Google maps on the time attendance screen by clicking on the GPS blue icon next to the site name . Click hereto see how you can view you where employees clocked in and out from on Google maps:
Two Important options available on how your employees can clock in & out while capturing their GS locations
1.Prevent employees from clocking outside the job site GeoFencing area.
If you select this option, make sure you set an Auto Clock Out option. Otherwise, if you staff forget to clock out from their shift, then they will have to go back to the job site in order to clock out, or they will need to wait to the next day until they go back to the same job site and clock out which will cause and record inaccurate time.
2.Allow employees to clock outside the job site Geofencing area but warn the employees that their shift might get rejected.
If you select this option, the system can provide you with plenty of information when the employees clock outside the job site:
A.You can get notified by email and push notification when employees clock out their jobs site
B.On time attendance screen, their shift will be tagged with error, usually a number inside a red circle indicating all the errors that took place during the shift.
C.On time attendance screen, you can filter and see all employees who clocked outside the jobs sites.
D.On the system dashbaord, you can view a list of all employees who clocked outside the job sites.
12. Setup & Configure Alerts Setting
ClickTime offers a variety of alerts to help you manage your rostered workforce efficiently. These alerts can be sent via email, mobile notification, and SMS to both your employees and your organization's supervisors and managers. This ensures that everyone stays updated with the latest information on-site and at remote locations, providing the critical day-to-day information needed to run operations smoothly and effectively.
Your last step is to select the alert recipients. ClickTime gives you many options to select from as the recipients for the alerts:
A.Site Supervisor
If you select this option, make sure that you assign a supervisor to all your sites. Just go to the site and populate the site supervisor field with the assigned supervisor.
If you have multiple supervisors for your site, you can add multiple recipients to receive the alerts
B.Team Supervisor
Click Here to see how to add your teams. SKIP this if your oganization is small and no need for creating and managing different teams.
Click Hereto see how to create and assign managers to manage teams
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