Best Practices for Using the ClickTime Mobile App
For Android & iOS GPS & Geofencing Issues:
- All Versions
- Make sure that background data is not restricted. You can find this in the app details page by going to Settings > Apps > All Apps > ClickTime > App Data Usage > Background Data > On. For older Android devices you may need to set the restriction to "never." - Android 10
- This version of Android introduces the different
location permissions you can grant to apps, similar to how iOS works.
So you can grant apps permission to use the GPS never, while using, or always. It sounds a little confusing, but the "always" allows ClickTime to use
your location even while the app is not up on the screen and so that is
what you need to use. - Android 9
- We recommend not using any form of battery saver
because they are all different and could affect your networking or GPS
performance. But the battery saver on Android 9 in particular will
disable your GPS in order to help save your battery and if your employer requires GPS you will get clocked out. - Android 8 and older
- Make sure that the device is in "High accuracy mode" by going to Settings > Connections/Privacy > Location > Locating method > High accuracy.
- Make sure that the background app data refresh is turned on, this
can affect GPS and networking performance. This can be set by going to Settings > ClickTime > Background app refresh.
- Make sure that low power mode is not enabled. You can turn this off by going to Settings > Battery > Low Power Mode. If you have other battery saving apps make sure ClickTime is unaffected by them.
- Do not force close the app by swiping it away as this completely stops the app.
If you have more questions check out these related articles:
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