Assign & Reassign Employee to Overtime Templates

Assign & Reassign Employee to Overtime Templates

Organization Wide Overtime Templates 
Overtime Templates in ClickTime consists of Organization Wide and Individual Custom templates. You can choose to use one or both, depending on your business needs. 

Organization Wide Overtime- Overtime that applies as a default to all employees.
Individual Custom Overtime- Overtime rules set up for a specific individual employee or teams.

Quick Setup Tip:
  1. Establish an organization-wide overtime template to represent the most common overtime rules for your entire team.
  1. For Team Members who require different overtime standards, create separate templates and assign them accordingly.

This approach ensures that overtime rules are efficiently managed across your organization and tailored to individual needs when necessary.

Assigning Overtime Template:
1. Create Templates:  Start by creating overtime template that match your company's specific
2. Flexibility in Templates: ClickTime offers flexibility, allowing you to create multiple templates to
     accommodate various employee categories. For example, you can have separate templates for
     full-time and part-time employees.
3. Assigning Employees: Assigning employees to templates is a straightforward process. 

   A. Navigate to the overtime templates screen.
   B. Select the appropriate overtime template.
   C. Assign employees or groups of employees to the chosen template.

To reassign employees to a different overtime template
To reassign employees to a different overtime template, follow these straight forward steps:

1. Access Overtime Templates
   - Identify the specific Overtime template from which you wish to remove the employee
   - search and locate the employee currently assigned to the template.

3. Remove from Current Template
   - Untick his name
   - the system will display a red tag which says "to be removed"
   - Save your changes

4. Go to Desired Overtime Template
   - Locate and access the overtime template you want the employee to be assigned to.

5.  Add Employee to New Template
   - Inside the desired overtime template, search and locate the employee to be assigned.
   - Tick his name
   - Save your changes

By following these steps, you can efficiently reassign employees to a different overtime template. 

See below video of how to remove employees from the currently assigned overtime template 

To remove the currently assigned template from the employee screen.

1. Go to the employee screen
2. Find the employee and click on the employee name to access and open the employee record details
3. Go to the Payroll tab > Pay Rates
4. Click on the Overtime drop down
5. The system will display the a drop down list of all available overtime templates in addition
     to an empty record.
6. Click on the empty record. This will remove the currently assigned template from the
     employee profile.
7. Save your changes.


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